Chamnap Chhorn

Ruby, Rails, and JavaScript Developer

Add Ssh Key to Your Ubuntu Server

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Add ssh-key to your ubuntu server is a common task for most developers to be able to remote your dedicated server via SSH. Normally, I do this with my local virtual box server. It’s fairly easy to do so. Here, I just copied the steps from Yoolk Wiki, written by my boss, Chris.

Generally, it works well on Ubuntu 9.04, but there is problem with Ubuntu 10.04. I’ll show you here:

  1. server: sudo apt-get update
  2. server: sudo apt-get install openssh-server
  3. server: mkdir .ssh
  4. client: ssh-keygen (don’t enter any values, press return three times, yes passwords should be blank)
  5. client: cat .ssh/ - copy the output to the clipboard (very carefully, no pre/trailing white space)
  6. server: touch .ssh/authorized_keys
  7. server: sudo vim .ssh/authorized_keys - paste clipboard contents (in order to paste from clipboard, you must remote to your server by login through terminal console)

For Ubuntu 10.04, you must run this command ssh-add. If it adds duplicate keys, run ssh-add -D and run ssh-add again. Hope it could help.
